2. 凸集(2)

Convex Sets(2)

0. 前言

  • 这一篇笔记涉及的东西比较抽象,且涉及比较多实变中的定义。对度量空间上的各类集合性质不甚熟悉的话,学起来会比较吃力(特别是一些证明)。我认为需要首先掌握好重要的概念,并且对定理有直观的认识体会(先不要求严格证明)。
  • 定义复习:
    • 闭集S:S的所有聚点都在S中
    • 开集S:闭集的补集
    • 可列集:S的基数和自然数集相当
    • 紧集:任一开覆盖都包含有限子覆盖;$R^n$ 中的紧集是有界闭集

1. Operations that preserve convexity

$f: \mathcal{R}^m\rightarrow\mathcal{R}^n$ preserves convexity if $f(S)$ is convex for any $S\subseteq R$

1.1 Intersection

  • $S_1\cap S_2$ convex, if $S_1, S_2$ convex

1.2 Affine transform

  • $f(x)=Ax+b: \mathcal{R}^n\rightarrow\mathcal{R}^m ,(A\in R^{m\times n})$
  • $f(S)$ convex if $S$ is convex
    $f^{-1}(S)={x\mid Ax+b\in S}$ is convex
  • Eg. $S_1\times S_2 ={(u,v)\mid u\in S_1, v\in S_2}$
    $S_1+S_2={u+v\mid u\in S_1, v\in S_2}$

1.3 Perspective function

  • perspective transform:
    $P:R^{n+1}\rightarrow R^n$
    and $(x,t)\rightarrow \frac{x}{t}$
    with $dom(P)={(x,t)\mid x\in R^n, t>0}$
    If $S\subseteq dom(P)$ and convex $\rightarrow P(S)$ is convex

    $\forall P(x),P*y( x,y\in S,$ we need to prove $[P(x), P(y)]\subseteq P(S)$ …
    Just calculate..(

  • $P^{-1}:R^n \rightarrow R^{n+1}$
    $P^{-1}(C)={(x,t)\mid \frac{x}{t}\in C, t>0 }$
    If $C$ is convex, then $P^{-1}(C) convex$

1.4 Linear fractional

If $S$ is convex $\rightarrow f(s)=p_0g(S)$ convex

(Operation 不一定是严格的映射)

2. Separation theorem

If $C,D$ are two non-empty, disjoint, convex sets, then



3. Strict Separation

If $C,D$ are two non-empty, disjoint, convex sets, then strict separation is

$C$ is convex closed set, $x_0\neq C \Leftrightarrow$ strict separation
$\overline{C-D}\cap{0}=\varnothing \Leftrightarrow$ strict separation

4. Convex cone

  • k is a proper cone if
  1. convex
  2. closed
  3. solid
  4. pointed
  • generalized inequalities:

  • Define partial order:
    $x\preceq_K y \Leftrightarrow y-x\in K$
    $x\prec_K y \Leftrightarrow y-x\in int(K)$ 是K的内点


4.1 Dual cone

  • Let k be a cone
    $k^*={y\mid x^Ty\geq 0, \forall x\in k}$

k 可以定义成任意集合,无所谓

  • Properties:
  1. $k^*$ is closed, convex cone
  2. $k_1\subseteq k_2\rightarrow k^*_2\subseteq k_1^※$
  3. $k^*=\overline{conv(K)}$
  4. if K is proper cone, K is proper cone and K*=K
  • Some eg
  1. $K=R^n+\rightarrow K^*=R^n+$
  2. $K=S^n+\rightarrow K^*=S^n+$
  3. $K={(x,t)\mid |x|\leq t}\rightarrow K^*{(u,v)\mid |u|\leq v}$

Minimum and minimal element of S

  • x is a minimum element of S $\Leftrightarrow S\subset x+K$ 最小元
  • x is a minimal element of S $\Leftrightarrow (x-K)\cap S={x}$ 极小元


    • x is a minimum element of S $\Leftrightarrow \forall \lambda \succ_{K^*}0, x$ is the unique minimizer of $\lambda^T z $ over S
    • x is a minimal element of S $\Leftarrow$ for some $\lambda\succ_{K^*}0$ , x is the minimizer of $\lambda^Tz$ over S

每个集合S可以从原点引一锥包K,可求对偶锥K。若一超平面法向(即 $\lambda$)在K内,则超平面可以作一个极小元(?)

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